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I love this!


i cant seem to do misson 4.

My End of Day list of buyables keeps flickering and dissapearing. 


I don't care if the game is finish! 

I wanna see Mac fuck Frankie!!! 😍


Seems the game is still crashing fairly regularly on mobile... kinda hope this gets looked at again to hopefully try n fix some of that


Hi I'm playing on pc. The game is fine but the missions are not appearing (but they still count as I levelled up) any infos?

(1 edit) (+2)

The game is in shambles on android. It keeps crashing left and right, literally unplayable.

This is making my circuits feel.... Damp?


Keeps crashing on android 14


in version 1.0 it says on the mission 6 get 90 xp only from a event pls help.


Can someone help me download this for windows?

At level 16 it says 
 I don't know how to do it, 
help me


How do I complete Mission 9?

Same I'm stuck at mission 9

lil late but did you ever find out? I’m also stuck on mission 9

Does anyone know how to continue after completing mission 14? I have completed mission 14 but there is no further progress

Did you finished with outfits?

Deleted 270 days ago

What are the terminal steps to make it run on mac, where do I find those?

Hey! Try following these steps:

1. Download the game and unzip it 

2. Open Terminal and type "chmod -R 777 " (With a space at the end, and no quotation marks) 

3. Drag the game(.app) into the terminal (It should show "chmod -R 777 /*Path to the app*/*Game Name*.app") 

4. Press Return 

5. Try to open it again (This time it would say something like "malicious software")

 6. Press the left-top Apple icon -> System Preferences -> Security & Privacy 

7. Under the tab "General", press "Open Anyway"

Terminal displays "permission denied"

I only have 7 on everything, does anything new appear at some point?


Help pls

 How do I throw tantrums? I bought them all but they don't come out.

i dont know how to finish 3. Mission 50 Compliance Points...

(1 edit) (-1)

Just do a bunch of Tantrum events, in a single day.


Is there a guide to each mission?

Hi, new update soon ?

v0.9 is out and available at our patreon:

Will be uploaded here on itch later this week.



Cant belive cummy curse gota abandoned for this 


How to do mission3


I played this back at v0.4 and it was not that good, but its been improved quite a bit since then although its still far from its potential best. The hentai is great, its well drawn and the special scenes are mostly animated which is a huge plus. Gameplay wise the management aspect of planning rooms and lewd events is very well done and adds the hentai into the gameplay loop with the usual cummy studio quality, late game needs some tweaks I found myself way overleveled but with too little money since lots of friends increase level but only a couple increase money, so to get the final scenes I was just skipping days to get those friends to add their bonuses to the computer room money bonus so after a week I could get 1 scene. So some balancing issues aside the real problem with this game are the costume upgrades, I don't want to play whack-a-mole with my mouse for a minute six times over for each costume. Its just a terrible and needs to be removed. But the game as a whole has very much improved since v4 and I look forward to seeing it improve.

can someone help me the game crashes almost as soon as i open the game pls help


Cómo puedo superar la misión 4?, ya lo llevo intentando varias veces

There were no cookies


how do i beat mission 2

(1 edit)

If only every scene had the same detail bu it's almost like it's done by different artists or they simply didn't put in the same amount of effort. Good game but it takes me outta the game a bit with how different they can be. Also feel like Frankie was rushed into perversion and mind alteration way too bun with a slower burn it could have been more interesting than oh she just does insert now because the writer wanted her to but that kills immersion and build up for a quick payoff that in spite of it's base and attempted build up dies off just as quickly when actually thought about past being horny... Sort of the opposite of House, it's got body but not much soul and steers sharply to wanting Frankie to just be a whore because that's what the creator or biggest donator wanted but it just feels like a fanfic vs how things would play out in other words Frankie isn't portrayed as herself but rather a cheap gimmick to push the playboy whore fantasy. Some tasks are insanely hard no matter what it nor some here like to claim as the boosts and multipliers do not seem to work as intended at least not in v0.6 (days 5-7 or so, I think?) Not exactly satisfied with it so far (day 7 or so)  but not entirely disappointed either

Game is really awesome, the art looks dope and the writing is not trash like most porn games. Anyway only downside is gameplay is mad boring, but the porn comes quick and rewards the player well! Keep it up.

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

Story got better (debatable...) but I still think OG Frankie was corrupted too quickly. Gameplay takes us right out of the plot especially on those bigger more annoying combos and so it would greatly benefit if we could skip it or change it somehow or even if it were toned so we could move straight to plot scenes. Good game overall though.

Haven't played latest metaverse or Frankieverse or whatever seems kinda lame and could very well cheapen OG Frankie. Definitely not a fan of the quickly accepted slutification of Frankie as she seems somewhat normal then completely uncaring the rest which seems exceptionally bizarre and immersion breaking so perhaps some of the new Frankies will take this on as opposed to OG? Taking a long break from this game...


So many deleted posts lol. Thin skinned devs? 


How to do mision 6 can someoane give me an exemple to do it?

Will there be more wedgie scenes? (like the alt frankie w/ frankie)


Подскажите пожалуйста алгоритм действий для прохождения миссии 7

"Earn 30 of each Corruption, Compliance and Perversion XP in one day!"

Я немножко заебался следить что кто и сколько даëт эти экспишки 


I'm tired of having to grind to the new content every time the game gets an update 


B-but you can load your previous save file and continue playing. You don't have to start a "new game" with every update :^(


Please don't remind me of Toradora, I have EPICALLY mixed feelings for that show. (On the one hand, I love the "Banira" season, on the other hand, after Ami shows up, it's nearly all downhill, steeply so at that.)

Does anyone know how to get past mission 7??? I'm really stuck on it....
(2 edits)

This game is awesome. The only thing I would change is that when you set up a trap it should show the cost on the screen. It's alright to do mental math, but that would be a nice quality of life feature.

Another feature I recommend is tell me what fucking events give what skill points? God the missions would be so much easier if it said xp followed by type. I've had to literally experiment and guess and it's just annoying because then you have to wait for friends to recharge so you can double or multiply your stats. It's like slay the spire or any card rougelike if the cards didn't tell you what the fuck they do.

Seeing eduardo fucking mega jacked has to be one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Caught me off guard for sure.

Any Ideas where i can find the Soundtrack as a Soundfile? Shit is banger

The only one I can't do is mission 6


mission 6 is impossible, u say "Combine high-energy-cost event with a friend and a room that have XP multipliers." to one commenter but no, that means nothing, it's to impossible, a guide or making it easier


There are rooms and characters that reduces energies, or rooms with energy mutipliers, took me 2 tries to pass mission 6, trust me it looks hard but it's not


Just use bendy,  he triples your XP when you run out of energy. All you need is basic math and boom, it was easy for me.

Also make sure to upgrade herriman's office and use that. Combine with bendy power you are unstoppable.

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